BSMC Florida Luncheon has aways been a great way to kick off the beginning of the New Year in Soldier Nation. Yesterday's event did not disappoint as this great tradition continues! The weather was a bit chilly with clear skies at the meeting location. The ride to Cocoa Beach was scenic. It was a site to see passing Cape Canaveral Port with five cruise ships in port! We were one of the first chapters to arrive at Florida Seafood restaurant outside of the host greeting Jacksonville chapter. Great fellowship as always, the food and the restaurant accommodations are the reason that brings us back regularly. Even though no one from our chapter won the 50/50 drawing, the Orlando chapter never walks away empty handed. We won a trophy for Chapter History Trivia. Pudaluv won the male Probie talent search contest, Fire Fox won the female Probie talent search award and Silver Fox won a door prize.