Types Of Membership

There are two types of membership: Associate Membership and a Full Member. A Full Member is required to own a registered motorcycle of at least 750cc. Full Members must  ride a minimium of 2500 miles in a 6 month period, attend out of state overnight group rides, and attend other planned activites. A Associate Member doesn't have to own or operate a motorcyle but must be willing to participate in club activities and promote the Rich History and Legacy of the Orginal Buffalo Soldiers.

Membership Application
Please Mail this downloaded application to:
Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club
811 Deauville Dr. #580707
Orlando, FL. 32858
Membership Application copy.jpg
JPG image [1.9 MB]

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Where To Find Us:

Mailing Address

Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club Orlando

P.O. Box 580707

Orlando, FL 32858


Phone: 740-675-2762



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© Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club 2012