Buffalo Soldier Monument - Lakeland, Fl October 2022

A Monument dedicated to the 10th Calvary Buffalo Soldiers was installed at Veterans Park in Lakeland, Fl on Octber 25, 2022. This monument that was constructed in Pennsylvania, traveled 1000 miles with several BSMC chapters escorting it along the way. Then the Florida chapters took the reigns and escorted it to it's final restinf place.

It was in the Spring of 1898 where troops from the 10th calvary camped out in Lakeland (having been ousted from Tampa, Fl due to the color of their skin) prior to being transported to Cuba to fight in the Spanish-American War.

Where To Find Us:

Mailing Address

Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club Orlando

P.O. Box 580707

Orlando, FL 32858


Phone: 740-675-2762



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